United defender Gary Neville has launched another attack at City, saying he prefers Liverpool to the blues.
The defender had a pop at City earlier this year when he said Carlos Tevez was not worth the money City paid for him but said he has more respect for Liverpool. “I have more respect for them as a club, in a sense of their tradition and their history, than I would do some of the other clubs that have been coming on the scene in the last few years, throwing a load of money at it.”
Neville continued by saying Liverpool have a good history and that they’ve been successful. Neville seems to love history as that’s what he’s going to be by the end of the season. He admits that this year may be his last and his best chance of playing will probably be in the League Cup and if he doesn’t perform, he will be gone.
Neville was caught on camera giving the finger to Carlos Tevez in the League Cup quarter final clash but the new City docu-film also shows Neville mouthing the words F*** You at Tevez following the City striker’s goal against his former club.
hat do you make of Neville’s words? If you’re one of the many United fans obsessed with trawling City sites, what is your opinion on Neville’s comments? Do you prefer Liverpool over City?
Don’t forget to check back here at 9.ooam for our review of the City docu-film Blue Moon Rising.