Okay, so City have been given special dispensation to sign an emergency keeper for the remainder of the season and they have signed Marton Fulop for the last three games. Is it such a big deal?
It’s not like we’ve gone to them and asked for a new striker or a midfield general for the final games of a long, hard season. We have made a request simply because we have run out of keepers. Gunnar Nielsen is our only available keeper and if he gets injured, it would mean facing Spurs without a recognised man between the sticks.
However, some other blogs are disputing this, none more so than Spurs, who seem in uproar that the blues have been allowed such special treatment. But the simple matter is, if we hadn’t been allowed to sign Fulop and Nielsen got injured against Villa, we would be left without a keeper for the Spurs game, giving them a clear advantage.
Of course, the Spurs fans would be delirious with delight if we faced them with an outfield player in goal. But if the tables were turned, would the Spurs supporters then change their tune? If all their keepers were injured, would they not want their club to do something similar? Of course they would.
In my opinion, the FA have acted with fairness, not bias. They have allowed us to sign a keeper and City have not gone out and signed a world class player or even an understudy. We have gone for a player who is third choice with his club, which is only fair given the circumstances.
But the only thing more annoying than listening to opposing supporter’s whinge on about the injustice of it all is this next little snippet. Apparently, a leading sports lawyer has told Spurs, Villa and Liverpool they could consider legal action against the FA because of their decision.
“I am sure it is something they will consider and they are quite right to. When this discretion is given by the Premier League it is effectively advantaging one team over another,” Ian Cater of Denton Wilde Sapte told City AM.
However, Cater added that the three clubs would have to prove the Premier League had not followed its own procedures or reached an irrational decision. “Given those challenges I would be surprised if teams did seek to challenge. But, that said, there is a lot of money involved.”
Ah, now that’s what all the fuss is about.