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Writers Needed

The more observant of you will have noticed the lack of articles on Over The Blue Moon recently.

This is due to the fact that I’ve been tied up with a couple of other projects which have taken precedence recently as I am tied to deadlines and, as opposed to OTBM, will have a significant bearing on my financial future.

Therefore, I looking for a little help. I’m looking for good writers who can contribute a few articles to the site on a regular basis. I would also ideally like someone who could do match reports/analysis for the new season.

You don’t need a degree in journalism or need to have had articles published anywhere else, just as long as you can string a sentence or two together, have something interesting to say and, of course, are passionate about the blues. Unfortunately, OTBM cannot offer any payment for articles submitted, but you do get full credit for your work in all your articles.

There is going to be some changes coming to the site in the next few weeks to make OTBM a little different from the rest of the fan sites out there. So if you want to be part of OTBM, send an email to and we’ll get back to you soon.

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